Rain Barrels are a great way to collect water for gardens and other needs, but can be a challenge in the central Florida area due to the downpours during rainy season. For example, just last week in the Melbourne area we received over 4 inches of rain in under 2 hours. The water pouring off of a large roof at that rate could fill a rain barrel in a matter of minutes, causing a mess in the surrounding areas. For that reason I always recommend a water diverter system be included in any installation.

A water diverter is inserted in the middle of an existing or newly installed downspout (See Figure 1), enabling the barrel to be filled, but also allows extra water to escape once the limit is reached. Installing any diverter requires the usual care in making sure that the extra water is channeled away from your house and foundation at the bottom of the spout. The rain collection proceeds normally while you have remaining space in the barrel (See Figure 2). But once the barrel is full (See Figure 3), water flow stops and then drains out of the downspout normally. A simple but effective solution that works great.

Of course there are other types of rain barrels to use, but be prepared for more maintenance than the above example. Due to our evening showers and heavy rains, you will be required to empty a top pour or direct connection barrel constantly. One solution for this problem may be connecting two or more barrels together, while another may be connecting a soaker hose to the drain spigot allowing constant drainage in you garden or flower beds. Contact us for more ideas. Any item purchased through our online store will be installed at no charge. Rain Barrels are great way to conserve water while saving on your water bill. Call us now to see how to get started.